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Industrial Modem

There are GSM and GPRS Industrial modems. They have the same function with GSM and GPRS modem in functionality. It is also programmable. GSM and GPRS Industrial modems are designed with industrial iron case which can be implemented in tough industrial environment.

GSM and GPRS Industrial modems only have RS232 serial port interface.

Basic usage of GPRS industrial modem:

-          Send and Receive SMS & MMS

-          WAP

-          Voice communication

-          Getting Caller ID

-          Fax Data communication

-          CSD Data Communication

Fi35 GSM Modem

- Industrial Casing
- Support SMS/Voice/Fax/CSD data
- PC & Server sending bulk SMS
- Support AT Command

Fi39i GPRS Modem

-Industrial Casing
-Support SMS, MMS, WAP, Voice, CSD DATA
-Com Port RS232

Email:gsm@favournet.com Tel:35633403 Fax:31865956
Unit B1, 6/F., Mow Hing Factory Building, 205 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kln
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