The SMS send and receive system is setup for them to let their colleagues to retrieve the company data by SMS. Their company data is stored at the SQL database in text format. Their colleagues’ mobile phone numbers are also registered in the system in order to grant the permission to retrieve the information.
Eight SIM cards from different mobile operators are plug in to the GSM modem pool. The service mobile number will be told to the colleagues to let them to send SMS to that number in order to retrieve the information. The manual of the information is also defined. For example send SMS with content “1” representing “update US$ exchange rate”. When the SMS send and receive system receive the SMS with the content “1” from the registered users mobile number, it will retrieve the database with the updated information and send back the SMS to the mobile number.
This is a very useful and convenience tools for retrieving update information for enterprises to their colleagues working outside. No setup needs to be done on the mobile device of the users as all of the mobile phone support SMS.
The cost of the sending and receiving SMS can also be lower down as the message can be controlled to send in and out by within the same mobile network operators.
